07 June 2008

GT Japan Promo Tour @ Plaza Damas

This would be my first time on car / motor sport photography.

i have NO idea on how capture a great shot.

There's always the first time, right?

Long story short :
LX-Mode hired me to shoot their cars that they brought in today
(BMW 335i and Nissan GTR) .

They caught me while I was shooting like crazy . (403 shots on GTR alone ?!)

It was just my luck, i guess.

( yes Nad, i know what luck means now .. :D)

So prepare yourself for the longest photo blog post ever .. for now . haha !


leanne.ali June 8, 2008 at 12:20 PM  

AAAAAAAAA!!! I hate you....

ZOULE June 8, 2008 at 12:23 PM  

aaaaaw .. thank you bot .. hehehe

nadyahaya June 8, 2008 at 11:29 PM  

u actually remembered wut i said bout luck? awww. wait. tht means you actually listened to my shit-talk? sucker! huhu. eh eh..but yes. good on you. "luck" as u know it now, will happen when u want it to. good luck dude. u still suck tho :P

ZOULE June 9, 2008 at 1:43 AM  

haha . hmmm . 'thanks' Nad .

so whatever ..


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